Sissy Hynposis

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Wednesday 7 September 2022

Under the Waves

Picture a scene by the water Imagine a strip of the land near the water. Where is that for you? Think back or perhaps imagine a time by the sea or a time by a lake a place and time where you wanted to be Now I want you to in your mind's eye picture a vessel that is capable of taking you underwater. Imagine the boundary between the land and the water and imagine a vessel approaching a vessel capable of taking you under the water as the vessel approaches imagine how you can go aboard and take your place inside this underwater vessel Stepping off shore and in to the vessel it is dropping now. As you sink you start to think in more and more relaxing ways Any fear or tension is washed away as the safety of your descent becomes apparent imagine a glass bottom imagine glass portholes imagine the descent feel it taking you deeper and deeper as you go down into the water you can go down into trance Is it dropping slowly or plummeting? Only focusing on what matters and what you want, your underwater fantasy has you paying attention to the now very deep location or perhaps the details of your vessel as you look around see the wonders of the waters and the wonder of the deeper and deeper descent down deeper and deeper Each underwater creature you see, each feature of the location and seemingly every detail of this trip are adding to your hypnotic state Increasing your hypnotic focus You start mentally processing the details before letting go and relaxing. Filling up on information, taking in more sensory input before relaxing and enjoying the experience. When you land on the bottom you are able to look around with light. What are the features here at the bottom? Is it like anything on the surface or is it alien? Are there any signs of life down here? You can move to see more, or go deeper still When you are satiated with how much you have explored here I want you to close your eyes. Completely dark now. Details of the vessel and what is outside vanish Now all that is left to go deeper in to is your subconcious mind You are going to picture the next thing that happens now. Perhaps a crevasse is spotted that leads further down still. Or perhaps you make contact with an underwater being. Whatever it is, I want you to take a moment to assess it before telling me about it

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